A vibesome trio of far-out artists select a summer-sizzler M·A·C Tracks festival freak-out: Get your groove on with Børns, Teengirl Fantasy and Sunflower Bean… HIT PLAY

Set your controls for the heart of the sun with more than 60 tracks of woozy, swoony summer sounds, handpicked by three fast-rising festival favourites: 24-year-old synthpop superstar Børns, Logan Takahashi of Brooklyn electronic space cadets Teengirl Fantasy, and fashion’s favourite indie band Sunflower Bean. As Logan puts it: “Psychedelic to me represents a transcendence of perceptual boundaries…the strange middle ground between the real and surreal, the familiar and unfamiliar, and the outright otherworldly.” Right on! Tune in, hit PLAY and let the summer vibe set you free…
You can listen to each artist’s playlist individually over on Spotify!
(PRO TIP: Pop the player out into a separate window, so you can keep browsing the site while M·A·C Tracks does its thing in the background!)

“Do It, Try It” – M83
An intoxicating chord progression with a croon from the devil on your shoulder.
“Gardenia” – Iggy Pop
Iggy's serenade to his garden goddess with Josh Homme's undulating guitar.
“A Tooth for an Eye” – The Knife
Easy to get lost in the melodic percussion and the passionate chanting.
“Ready to Start” – Tears for Fears
One of my favourite Arcade fire songs covered by the one and only.
“Wings of My Love” – Early MJ at it's finest.
– Listen to Børns’s playlist in full over on SPOTIFY
“Sunrain” – Ashra
Some of the happiest music ever made.
“Treetops” – Black Dice
This track changed my life when I was 15.
“Fancy Period” – Growing
Drippy, simmering, bloomy drone music – the sounds this duo made with guitars was an influence on me when I first started making music with Teengirl in 2008.
“A Rainbow in Curved Air” – Terry Riley
Classic piece of minimalism and also defining moment for America new age/psychedelic music.
“Sun Zither” – Laraaji
One of my favourite memories is driving through the Swiss Alps early morning during sunrise while on tour and listening to this.
– Listen to Logan Takahashi of Teengirl Fantasy’s playlist in full over on SPOTIFY
“Black Sabbath” – Black Sabbath
A gothic masterpiece that could rival any Edgar Allan Poe tale.
“Echoes” – Pink Floyd
One of classic rock’s forgotten masterpieces.
“Air Conditioning” – DIIV
Classic song by a classic band. It is the ultimate jam…It’s the “Free Bird” of indie rock...“Play Air Conditioning!!!!!”
“Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space” – Spiritualized
Never ending love for J. Spaceman’s unique blend of psychedelic soul.
“Lucidity” – Tame Impala
You can’t talk about modern psychedelic music and not include Tame Impala in the conversation.
– Listen to Sunflower Bean’s playlist in full over on SPOTIFY